Sippe Badami / Clearing Nut Dried (raw) 250 Grms

DESCRIPTION Thetran Kottai / Clearing Nut Dried (raw) Thetran Kottai / Clearing Nut Dried (raw) does not have any thorns or tendrils and its leaves are short and elliptic with five penni nerved veins. The corymbs are in the form of axillary clusters which are opposite each other, shorter than the leaves. Botanical Name: Strychnos Potatorum English Name: Clearing Nut Tamil Name: Thetran Kottai Hindi Name: Samaashodhan Akharot, Nirmali Malayalam Name: Tettamparal Telugu Name: Chillachettu Features It is larger than nux vomica and without thorns or tendrils. Leaves are short petioled, elliptic and acute. The available product quantities are 250gm, 500gm, 1000gm. Benefits The powder of Thethankottai seeds is given in a dose of 3-4 grams to treat indigestion and diarrhea. The decoction of the seeds is given in a dose of 40-50 millilitres to treat renal calculi and difficulty in micturition. The decoction of the seeds with Curcuma longa (Haridra) helps in reducing and controlling blood sugar level. The decoction of the seed Thethankottai is useful to treat cases anaemia.

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