Lavancha Beru/Coleus Vettiveroides Root Powder / Vetiver 50GRMS

QUICK OVERVIEW Vetiver is sometimes applied directly to the skin for relieving stress, as well as for emotional traumas and shock, lice, and repelling insects. It is also used for arthritis, stings, and burns. Vetiver is sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy for nervousness, insomnia, and joint and muscle pain.

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Vetiver / Coleus Vettiveroides Root Powder


  • Vetiver is a type of plant that grows in India. Its name is derived from Tamil word "Vettiver". Vetiver has wonderful uses. It keeps the body cool because it is a natural body cooler.
  • Botanical Name    : Plectranthus Vettiveroides 
  • English Name       : Coleus Vettiveroides Root
  • Tamil Name          : Vetiver 
  • Hindi Name          : Valak
  • Malayalam Name  : Iruvelli 
  • Telugu Name        : Kuriveru, vettiveru.




  • It is most popular as medicine in siddha medicine because it grows well in warm climates like India. 
  • Vetiver plants help keep people cool because they are such natural plants.
  • The product weight is 50grams.




  • Vetiver water is helps to maintain the body temperature stable. It helps cure pains, ulcers and bad breath.
  • It has a calming effect on the nerves and regular intake helps with general health. 
  • It acts as a blood purifier.
  • It can be used for bath powder