Dry Amala / Indian Gooseberry Dried (raw) / Nelli Kai 250grms

QUICK OVERVIEW Antioxidant effects. Regulates endothelial function. Anti-inflammatory effects. Normalizes blood fat levels. Reduces blood pressure. Anti-platelet effects.

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Nelli Kai/ Dry Amala / Indian Gooseberry Dried (raw)


  • The gooseberry is a bush that grows to 1.5 meters in height and width. It has branches that are covered with spines that grow out of the base of short leaf shoots or side leaves.
  • Botanical Name: Phylanthus Emblica
  • English Name: Indian Gooseberry
  • Tamil Name: Nelli
  • Hindi Name: Aonla 
  • Malayalam Name: Nelli, Nellikka
  • Telugu Name: Usiri, Usirikaya




  • The branches have sharp spines which stand out singly or in groups of two or three from the bases of the short shoots.  
  • The available product quantities are 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1000gm.




  • It has many benefits. 
  • It helps with asthma and bronchitis, it burns fat, it relieves constipation and piles, it can treat gastric disorders, it is good for the heart, and can help to control diabetes.
  • Nelli Kai is also a cooling agent.