BAJE/Calamus / Sweet Flag Dried (raw) / Vasambu 250GRAMS

QUICK OVERVIEW Vasambu is very good for many stomach related ailments like indigestion, bloating, flatulence, loose motion, acid gastritis. It helps to cure stomach ulcer and gastric problems. It regulates the production of stomach acid and aids for easy digestion. It eases hear burn and counter acidity problem.

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Vasambu / Calamus / Sweet Flag Dried (Raw)

  • Sweet Flag is a creeping, aromatic herb that grows up to 100 centimeters tall.
  • It prefers loamy soil with plenty of sand and clay but can also grow in alluvial systems if provided enough water ?ow throughout its lifetime as well!
  • The leaves on this plant are typically long- lasting making them perfect for medicinal use by many cultures around the world who have appreciated their healing properties since time immemorial.


  • Country drug
  • 0% side effects
  • Available in 250gm, 500gm and 1000gm


  • This product is the perfect way to fight against stomach disorders, stimulate blood circulation and combat tobacco addiction. It also aids in treating insomnia as well coughs/fever or asthma.