Indian Rennet Flower Dried (raw) / Paneer Poo 250grms

QUICK OVERVIEW Diabetes. Asthma. Purify the blood. Teeth Cleaning. Reduces Body aches. Improves Physical Stamina. Healing of wounds. Nervous Exhaustion.

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Paneer Poo / Indian Rennet Flower Dried (Raw)


  • Botanical Name : Withania Coagulans Dunal
  • English Name : Indian Rennet
  • Tamil Name : Paneer Poo
  • Hindi Name : Paneer Phool / Paneer Doda
  • Telugu Name : Panneru - Gadda
  • Paneer Poo is a flower that is native to India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It has medicinal properties.




  • The flower we call paneer poo is from India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It has medicinal properties and it is good for diabetics. In addition, this flower does not just use blood sugar but also repairs your pancreas. 
  • The available unit quantities of products are 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1000gm.




  • Paneer poo is good for people with diabetes, asthma, blood purification, teeth cleaning, body aches, healing wounds. 
  • It also improves physical stamina and reduces nervous exhaustion.